Office workers with neck or shoulder pain? Is it time for an eye test?

Employee sight testAn employee complaining of neck or shoulder pain could be putting undue strain on their back because they are unable to see their computer screen without changing their posture.

This may not be down to the type of screen they are using or the positioning of equipment within their workspace, according to office ergonomics expert, Richard Clarke of R&A Office Environments Ltd. “Struggling to see a computer screen is common within the workplace, and more often than not an eye test can help with both viewing problems and posture.”

Employers are obliged to offer sight tests to their staff if they use a computer screen and according to a recent survey by Simply Health, 40 per cent of people are not aware of this obligation.

“Staff are also advised to take regular breaks from the computer screen,” continued Richard. “However, according to the Simply Health survey only 20 per cent of workers do this. Yet 90 per cent of workers feel tired, get headaches and have vision problems as a consequence.”

If a sight test also results in a worker needing spectacles for using a VDU screen, then the employer is required to pay for spectacles for this work.

R&A Office Environments Ltd is a supplier of new and recycled office furniture & seating, and specialize in ergonomic assessments in the office workplace. For further information contact Richard Clarke on 07710 061800 or e-mail