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Presenteeism – the hidden cost to UK workplaces

When asked what the major factors are contributing to business costs in the UK workplace, you might be forgiven for highlighting...

Emotional Intelligence Happy Worker

Make emotional intelligence your New Year’s resolution

It’s that time of year again where we talk about New Year’s resolutions for our businesses – capitalising on potential missed...

emotional intelligence

How Emotional Intelligence Can Transform Your Workplace

There’s no doubt as to the impact of mental health absenteeism on the UK economy. Indeed, a recent report by wellbeing and performance...

happy worker

Understanding emotional intelligence in today’s workplace

Taken from an interview with Kylee Hurrell from Threedom Coaches. There’s no doubt that the expectations of today’s modern society can...

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Bringing back the human touch to mental health services

What’s missing from mental health services right now? If you ask Kath Evans from the Wellbeing Bubble, she’d tell you it was the human...