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Ian Caminsky from FirstCare

FirstCare Addresses the £25bn UK Workforce Mental Health Issue

Employees absent from work because of mental health reasons cost UK businesses £25 billion in 2019. This growing trend, and the...

mental health

Are Mental Health Issues Making Your Business Unsafe?

When it comes to mental health in the workplace, modern day statistics are pretty eye-opening. According to Mentalhealth.org, 15 per cent...

Ian Hadridge, HealthTrust Europe

HealthTrust Europe Empowers Workplaces with Mental Health Positivity

One in four of people will experience problems with their mental health at some point in their lives. [1] Like any other illness, mental...

stress in the workplace

Can Women Beat Stress in the Workplace?

The CIPD commented on recent research which suggests that women are having to tolerate high levels of stress in the workplace. The...