Without a doubt, the Coronavirus has hit UK businesses hard and in less than two weeks the recruitment industry has effectively been brought to its knees with online revenues being reduced by around 70% – almost literally, overnight.
“Despite the issues we’re all facing at the moment we’re united in our battle to fight through this crisis, along with other industry sectors that have been hit just as hard and, in some cases, even worse than us”, comments Mark Stephens, CEO at Smart Recruit Online (SRO).
Fighting on the Front Line
“On the front line, fighting the effects of this virus on a humanitarian level, are the NHS and its brave and courageous staff. Unfortunately, they are already light on numbers as many NHS staff have contracted the virus and are now in isolation.”
“This is placing massive amounts of pressure on those remaining to cope with increasing casualties and a growing problem.”
“Recruiting replacements and volunteers is a major challenge and the UK recruitment industry, despite its own predicament, is stepping up to do what it can to support this NHS staffing crisis”
Mark Stephens, Smart Recruit Online
Mark has brought together recruitment industry leaders and has created a recruitment initiative which he is now driving forward.
“Initially I decided to use the spare capacity I have within my own business to help address the front-line staffing issues effecting the NHS right now,” adds Mark.
“Then, I approached some of the major Job Boards to establish whether there was an appetite for a collaborative effort and the initiative was soon up and running.”
Supporting the NHS
Smart Recruit Online will provide NHS Hospitals and Trusts with free access to its award-winning recruitment system, tools, screening and support services.
In addition, the Job Boards and media channels have agreed to provide free advertising for NHS jobs posted from within the SRO platform.
“We are in a privileged position where our businesses can combine our efforts to help and support the NHS, without actually placing ourselves into harms’ way”
Mark Stephens, Smart Recruit Online
“The NHS and its staff are amazing. They are our front line troops in protecting the most vulnerable and those effected by this virus.”
“We are proud to be part of the UK recruitment sector that has put aside its own difficulties and challenges to collaborate on such a worthwhile initiative.”
“Our goals are clear,” concludes Mark. “We will assist the NHS wherever we can in the recruitment of staff to ensure that front line positions are filled quickly.”
A Helping Hand
- If you work within the NHS and need to recruit front line staff, then call 0800 634 1818 and speak to the Smart Recruit Online team who will get you set up quickly and your jobs live within 24 hours.
- Search for NHS jobs at CV-Library, Reed or Guardian Jobs
- Visit app.smartrecruitonline.com/livejobs
- Register for volunteering positions at goodsamapp.org/nhsvolunteerresponders
General Public
- Please share this information with your entire network to get this message in front of as many NHS recruiting staff as possible