What is the Value in Giving Employees Greater Autonomy?

What is the Value in Giving Employees Greater Autonomy?

UK employees would like greater autonomy, according to a 2017 survey:

  • A third of those surveyed said they wished that management trusted them more to manage how and where they work.
  • 42% said their workplace did not support a culture that allowed them to work flexibly.


Trust, and the autonomy that goes with it, are rated highly by employees as things that can increase workplace happiness and satisfaction, and lead to increased productivity.

“Employees want trust, embedded in a culture of autonomy where they are able to manage their own workflow,” comments Greg Searle MBE, Chief Innovation Officer for Keys Business Concierge. “There are two key elements here: understanding the importance of autonomy; and knowing what measures can achieve it.”


Why Does Autonomy Have Value?

A culture that enables employees to work flexibly, and to be in control of their work, helps create an overall positive work culture, one where relationships drive motivation and productivity.


“Giving employees the power to control their work situation is a useful tactic in both maximising the skill sets that individuals possess and getting the best out of them for the overall benefit of the business”

Greg Searle, Keys Business Concierge


“Autonomy is essential in building employee engagement,” suggests Greg, “creating a dynamic workforce that can think for themselves while acting in the best interests of their employer.

“Businesses need to be agile and adaptable. A rigid command and control structure won’t provide this,” says Greg. “At the same time, autonomy doesn’t mean having a silo mentality, or simply following your individual impulses whenever or wherever you like.”

Effective autonomy comes from meaningful empowerment that supports individuals in achieving shared goals.

“What gets done matters most, and how this happens should emerge from the motivation of the individuals involved. Give them the freedom, and space, to act and make decisions for themselves.”


Methods, Rewards and Motivation

For autonomy to be more than just an aspiration it must come with the kind of practical support that will help make it happen.

“Consider business concierge services,” offers Greg. “They are a means of both rewarding individuals but also motivating them by giving them a method of enhancing their autonomy.”


“Rather than appearing as a luxury, VIP addition, business concierge services can help create autonomy by giving people more breathing space, and simply making the processes of their working lives easier”

Greg Searle, Keys Business Concierge


“Whether it’s dealing with an overload of administration, or helping restore your work-life balance by taking care of bookings, travel and other essentials, a concierge service can give someone a greater sense of personal control and value in a lasting way.” concludes Greg.

To discover how a business concierge service leaves a positive legacy of a more motivated, productive workforce, please call Keys Business Concierge on 0161 884 3300 or visit keys-business.com.


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