A team of barristers in Liverpool have launched a new website designed to provide an online service to the UK’s legal community. As the first of its kind, Pro-VIDE will offer advice, news and discussion on current legal issues in the areas of employment, personal injury, clinical negligence and industrial disease, while at the same time providing training to a range of professionals and businesses.
The team responsible for the new service includes, Charles Feeny, Wendy Owen, Lorraine Mensah and Ana Samuel, all of which are members of St. Johns Buildings Chambers and clerked out of Liverpool. Despite their presence in Liverpool, members undertake work nationally and Pro-VIDE seeks to operate at a national, and not merely regional, level. Alongside those mentioned, members are working with legal academics and expert witnesses to ensure that a balanced view of the law is provided and one that draws upon the knowledge of all those involved in the litigation process.
Explaining why she thought the service was necessary Lorraine Mensah said, “There was clearly a gap in the market for free, unbiased reporting and provision of information on issues such as employment, personal injury and clinical negligence litigation. We’re drawing together experts in the legal, academic and medical fields to provide one of the best online resources available.”
These views were echoed by Ana Samuel who commented, “We have recognised for some time that there was a real need amongst our colleagues around the UK for a single point of reference which is sourced from decisions made by the lower courts and which provides accurate and up-to-date information of the live issues and trends.” Speaking specifically in relation to employment law Ana added, “employment law is an area which changes so rapidly that it’s important to be able to react to new initiatives, rulings or local trends when they happen and to get the information out there so others are aware of it,”
Members of Pro-VIDE are inviting other legal professionals to contribute to the case notes and articles which are forming the basis of discussion. Already a range of medics and scientists have provided their interpretation of cases and what they believe the impact will be. Underlining the importance of legal co-operation Lorraine added, “it’s productive for lawyers to interact with other individuals involved in litigation in a professional arena from which new viewpoints can be considered and areas of importance can be discussed.”
In addition, Pro-VIDE offers bespoke employment training tailored to the individual client’s need with a view to assisting parties in handling employment disputes in a way which protects their position should they ultimately find themselves in a legal forum.
For further information about the project, and for information about members’ practice, please visit www.pro-vide-law.co.uk.