Making the right call: should you work as a contractor or permanent app developer?

apps developerEven in times of global economic uncertainty the ‘app economy’ is booming and forging ahead. The emergence of tablet platforms has added a huge market to the burgeoning smart phone app development sector, and app developers are reaping the benefits.

Recent salary survey figures indicate that, on average, developers can expect to earn around £70,000 per annum, which is around a 27% increase compared with the previous 12 months. Businesses have proved themselves determined to contract in app developers in their droves and the trend is set to continue.

There are big decisions to be made as an app developer, and the main choice often revolves around whether to work on a contract basis or in a permanent position. It’s a quandary that leaves many developers scrabbling around for a definitive answer, but does one exist?

We asked Dexter Dyer of Paymatters, a firm that specialises in offering payroll and tax advice to contractors, for his thoughts: “Working as a contractor can be a great advantage in the app development world, and there are several reasons why. They command better salaries than their permanent peers. Targeted for their specific expertise and skills sets, contractors often work set project lengths and move on to the next challenge, which in this constantly evolving and dynamic industry is ideal for the developer and the company as well”.

Dexter continues “App developers who take up permanent positions develop a somewhat prosaic job profile and will lose out on cutting edge opportunities that far-sighted contract workers are able to exploit and move quickly to take up. We are seeing more and more just how companies are becoming more flexible in their approach to hiring as the legacy of economic uncertainty changes the way firms approach hiring staff. The old adage that permanent employment offers job security has been eroded somewhat, and the contractor model is proving popular in app development and will go from strength to strength.

PayMatters are APSCo accredited, professional passport approved and are business partners with the Institute Of Recruiters (IOR). PayMatters pride themselves on being fully HMRC compliant from an employers and employees NI, PAYE and expense perspective. For further information please contact Dexter Dyer, Senior Business Development Manager on 07825 605 407,
