Can UK Firms Exploit the Economic Recovery?

Can UK Firms Exploit the Economic Recovery?

More good news continues to emerge, indicating the UK is entering a prolonged period of economic recovery.

The Bank of England has revised a prediction for the third quarter of this year indicating higher growth then expected. This trend of growth beyond previous expectations may well continue throughout the year, and beyond. Coming on top of falls in unemployment, a boom in manufacturing figures and a recovering housing market, an overall feeling of positivity pervades the atmosphere across industry in the UK.

With this optimistic outlook, then, are UK firms ready to exploit the situation to its fullest? Paul Drew is Marketing Director at sales training organisation Pareto, and he believes that developing an understanding of fundamental business principles will enhance a firm’s overall performance, and this process must begin with sales staff above all: “Our understanding is that a company’s sales team is fundamental to any potential success they may achieve. They form the foundation for how a business develops forward, acting as the bridge between an organisation and its client base.”

“With that in mind, firms looking to get on the front-foot as we enter a period of growth and continued economic stability should consider how conducting a review of how their business builds sales will help them maximise the benefits of operating in an improved economic atmosphere.”

“By focusing on four key areas a company can get a great insight on to how to improve themselves. Firstly, getting on top of how a sales team’s skill set can be best deployed and added to is vital. A company must also have a clear understanding of the goals that it wishes to achieve, with a measurability to these goals to ensure that there is a coherent perception of where an organisation is heading.”

“We also encourage clients to get a solid view of where they are now as an organisation as well as gathering clear intelligence of their current business environment. With a clear view on the abilities of their sales staff, a defined set of goals and a comprehension of where the business is now, an organisation can then plot and plan how best to move forward. They can do so with the confidence that a structured approach has been taken that gives a tangible knowledge base to any future decision making, and an energised sales staff working with faith in their surroundings.”

Pareto Law is the UK’s biggest and most successful sales enhancement company: the authority on sales, no less, since 1995. Pareto brings companies the 20% of the sales team that makes 80% of the difference.

The Pareto Effect can be experienced in many ways and it can have a remarkable, measurable effect on your business. Pareto delivers this effect through four key elements – Sales Recruitment, Sales Training, Executive Recruitment and Sales Development, bringing your business sales assessment and accreditation solutions to deliver sales excellence.

For further information please contact Jonathan Beagles, Marketing Development Executive, on 01625 415 765.